Inclusive Education Initiative (IEI)
Supporting the right to quality education for all through a pedagogical approach that heals and connects different segments of communities
A World In Need Of Connection & Healing

A World In Need Of Connection & Healing
Our global community is facing multiple ongoing problems; rapid technological advancements and the unsustainable means of this trajectory, and also a lack of transparency, social justice, and equity from our leaders. These contribute to two of the most pressing problems today: climate change and forced migrations.
IEI firmly believes that equitable access to education is the cornerstone to stabilise our world and will greatly contribute to fixing the ongoing problems we are facing today. However, recent data for 12 countries hosting 52% of the global refugee population indicate that the primary gross enrolment rate for refugees in 2018/2019 was 77%, while the corresponding figure at the secondary level dropped to 31%.
The figure is even lower for the Asia-Pacific region - only 32% of refugees have access to formal primary education, a figure much lower than the global average and one which will have significant impact on broader development goals that education could have helped achieve.
IEI believes that by providing equal access to quality education for refugees and others in similar circumstances, we as the global community can tap into our collective wisdom to find true freedom and joy through peaceful co-existence and engagement between communities in the future.
- More girls than boys complete upper secondary education.
- Less girls than boys are out of school in upper secondary.
- Youth from rural areas complete upper secondary education less often and they are more often out of school.
- Youth from poor socio-economic backgrounds complete upper secondary education least often and they are most often out of school.
The Borderless360 Inclusive Education Initiative vision is to embrace a meaningful diversity and inclusion in education. We aim to develop an approach that awakens the individual’s love for learning, independent thinking and innate desire for interconnectedness with the world.
IEI is working on providing equitable access to quality holistic education, and the meaningful inclusion of refugees and others in similar circumstances in educational systems.
There's a world of difference between insisting on someone doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.- Fred Rogers
The Initiative
Ongoing Adult Refugee Online Education Programme

Ongoing Adult Refugee Online Education Programme
The IEI online education programme support a small pilot group of young adult refugees who have experienced disrupted learning to prepare for GED (American High School Diploma) and Cambridge Assessment in English.
- The online pilot started during the COVID-19 lockdown in Thailand when in-person classes could not be conducted. The advantage was that it allowed refugees who lived on the outskirts of greater Bangkok access to an educational opportunity.
- The first objective was to identify and understand the key challenges with working with refugee communities especially those who have experienced disrupted learning and/ or who do not possess official national identity documentation.
- The second objective was to develop and advocate pathways for formal education certification and the possibilities for economic inclusion thereafter.
Ongoing Adult Refugee inclusive school

Ongoing Adult Refugee inclusive school
An inclusive school that practices affirmative action towards out-of-school refugee children and youth.
- Assures an equitable access to quality and holistic education which contributes towards social change.
- It will adopt the Waldorf pedagogical approach and is designed to be sustainable, scalable and reputable.
- It will address meaningful inclusion by bringing together communities from different socio-economic backgrounds.